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Inspirational verse submitted by readers.

As offering

Lift up your life as loving sacrifice held like a cup in your hands and that one purpose, poised and deliberate, shall by His merits sustain you, until nothing remains but the pure distillation of all you would most willingly see accomplished, when, all hurts healed and all hardness at last annealed, you become your offering —the finally valid fulfillment of the heart's one absolute pledge. STEPHEN GOTTSCHALK.

Storm joy

Pen y llwyn —master of the coppice— the Welsh thrush is at his best in a sudden gale. In the fiercest wind, there he is defiantly perched on the topmost branch singing alone in all that wild swaying up above the torn leaves.

If Jairus's daughter had spoken

Jesus said I was not dead. He knew the light of Life shone in my heart.


As in the beginning, we are not without love. What else but Love-power could gather ideas to make a creation? What else but the spirit of Love would brood upon the face of the waters like a great Mother-wing, orchestrating our individualities beneath it? What else but Christ-love—by banishing the clouds of sin that hide us from one another—can show us spiritual creation already making music? It's love that opens our eyes to teeming creation.

Only eternity

I dreamt I was plowing through time— sticky stuff now holding me back now pulling me forward faster than I wanted to go. All the while I seemed trapped, longing to cease my plowing to extricate myself from all this treacherous substance— to find an unimpeded and unhurried progress.

Life by Love designed

Praise now eternal day upon whose scroll Love limns its endless harmonies. The light That emanates from ever-active Soul Knows not one portent of a coming night.

Lap time

As when a child, confident of a love That frees him by adventuring to grow, Turns from his play and climbs his father's chair— Secure of welcome when the puppy's shove Topples his balance, or he longs to show His latest art, or brims with love to share, So would I turn and climb, when racked with fear Of pain and lack or warmed with tempting glow Of human praise, from triumph and despair For prayerful lap time: wan worlds disappear In Father-Mother's care. HUGH PENDEXTER III.

Grace in healing

"Healing isn't the only thing," she said. And she explained to me how necessary are the graces of Spirit for enriching the heart and uplifting thought.


True, Love— Your being the all-hearing good, we, Your listeners (alert/aware) catch Your call: Rise! Walk! .

Definition of a Reading Room

A place where Love is waiting where Truth is stating its mighty message in countless ways. A place where Life's unfolding and Mind is molding the living Word on every page.