Inspirational verse submitted by readers.
None is unwanted or alone, None can be desolate, afraid, All are anointed as Love's own, All cherished and all undismayed. How valuable is each one, Sought of the Christ, divinely led, Never ending, never begun, Companioned, joyous, comforted.
Not to the risen Lord we cling, who said to Mary, "Touch me not," but to the eternal Christ and King, the Lamb unblemished, without spot. The risen Lord had form and face and human tones to speak the name of Mary, when with power and grace transfigured from the tomb he came.
Discover that this "hail," this bold Assured appraisal, stems from root Defining health. And it can hold For every man the absolute Security of Christly seeing, The God-sprung wholeness of well-being.
He who tempers the wind To the shorn sheep Will guard you, And guide you, And lead your brave feet Over the rough ways of the world, Over crag, over stone; Up through the clouds, Through the mist, And the winds and the cold; On to the glorified height To the foot of His throne. And thus you may know That He sees you, And needs you, And loves you, And calls you His own.
• Reject the claim Refuse to accept the lie Rebuke the false witness Refute the myth • Resist error and it will flee Reverse the mortal belief Relinquish the strong hold Replace the supposition with truth • Realize God's omnipotence Rely on Him alone Recognize the reality Reclaim your true identity Released! Redeemed! Restored! Refreshed! Renewed! • Reflect .
Do we think of love as a sometime thing, a little like sunshine? Divine Love never fades, never fails. God's eternal embrace envelops the universe.
is affirmation of ever-present good, of "God with us"— hallelujah, thank-you, and receptiveness. It opens a two-way window where praise flows out and blessings flow in.
Forsake the dream and move into a larger place— a consciousness of man's inherent dignity as God's beloved child. Forsake the dream of puny mortal pushed by carnal urges, helpless to resist the blandishments of mortal mind.
Dear God, I've grown to love You more each passing day, To trust in Your eternal, loving care. To know Your bounty, goodness, and Your grace.
Please excuse me from the well-intentioned, Customary fussing on this date. Knowing me, you know I mean no disrespect.