Discover that this "hail," this bold
Assured appraisal, stems from root
Defining health. And it can hold
For every man the absolute
Security of Christly seeing,
The God-sprung wholeness of well-being.
Then watch the Master's calm "All hail"
Expand as universal fact—
Expand because his words entail
Entirety, one realm intact
And undivided, Godward gathered,
And by one source forever fathered.
And let that Easter salutation,
Those words from resurrection-stride,
Imperative with implication,
Swing firmly, freely, to a wide
Circumference of love where all
Are compassed by his conquering call.
And let your own far-friending thought
Sweep forth such greeting for mankind.
See their salvation interwrought
With your advance. Let unconfined
All-hailing and all-healing grace
Give global curve to your embrace.
And let compassionate concern
Confront, probe, heal each greed, each hate.
And near at hand, at every turn,
Accost each man's divine estate,
Till fuller voiced these words prevail:
One universe, all whole, all hail!