Questions & Answers
Those who are in procession Lamenting, crying, even silent with woe, Gather dust only shuffling feet know. Christ cometh, entering to Impart healing power, giving soft commands To be still, so Love's words may be heard.
We, ourselves, cannot truly excel in any good endeavor unless we have the sweet humility and the spiritual capacity to recognize the Christly brilliance expressed by another. The borrowed light shining throughout creation (a God-shine, all divine) multiplies and intensifies in recognition's grateful magnification.
Every long-awaited child, each an Isaac, undefiled, shouts joy begun in Sarah's smile. Her laugh behind the tent-door's screen startled submission, broke the dream, redeemed her hope, repented her care.
In Genesis chapter one we read: "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. " What do you do with chapter two? Let it go—the mortal record is not so, not good, not real, nor true.
Would I.
Feeling together that power divine Has tenderly linked your journey and mine. Beyond the hours, the years, the days An eternal bond of perfect praise.
Listening as the day retires, round the glowing cozy fires Jesus speaks of his Father's kingdom being ever near. Admonishing in his gentle way, healing, teaching, showing how to pray, Jesus voices the truth that we are made to spiritually see and hear— to understand.
No rarefied philosophy fished from the human theory pool of guesswork and conjectural belief. No stunning set of stock replies or sharp quotations memorized to fill my eager listeners with awe.
The kind, the merciful, the good Unite to make Thee understood And songs of gratitude we raise Proclaim in joy our humble praise. The gracious word and gentle smile— Each gladly offered second mile— Show how our native talents blend In praise of Thee, our ever friend.
Inspired spiritualized perfected thought awakening in me a new level of understanding a new sense of being a new basis from which to draw life's conclusions a glowing ember of an idea that grows into extraordinary light illuminating all the pages of my life.