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Questions & Answers

Unconditional Love

We go so our love will flow to the love-forsaken. They are mistaken.


Since God is everywhere and He is good, There can be no better place Than the very one where you are right now. For even if shadows seem abiding there— Of sin, disease, or other trouble—look around.


The love that shelters a weary world is a rising light that first appears in meek hearts, who in their weaker moments yearn and pray and learn to walk in fuller grace and steadier strength. So when we feel how cramped and small we've been, and longingly reach for a larger light, instill in us an honest kindness, filled with Your reflected warmth—a spreading joy, renewed each day as self subsides and room is made for fuller gleams of Your unbounded love.


I am a new student of Christian Science. I attended a lecture in my town.

Only Love to Meet

With an overwhelming sense of dread, I faced the interview ahead. When I told a friend my plight, her calm reply brought gentle light.

God's day

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it," Ps. 118:24.

The Plumb Line

Hanging true to vertical, it's never swayed by tilted beams or slanting floors or rooms or worlds wholly askew. But what of my thoughts— do they stay true? —true to Spirit's pristine light? —true to Mind's directing wisdom? —true to Christ's simplicity? Help me hew to a holier line and worship You unswayed.

Forever found

What man of you, having   an hundred sheep, if he   lose one of them, doth   not leave the ninety and   nine in the wilderness,   and go after that which   is lost, until he find it?   And when he hath found   it, he layeth it on his   shoulders, rejoicing. Luke 15:4, 5 If you think you are That lost sheep, Be still and trust.

The prize

Like the dove that Noah sent forth from his ark, Christly prayer right here and now is sure to return with olive-leafed prize. No guessing.

The widow's might*

So, you think might is not correct? That it was indeed a "mite," a mere pittance compared to others' offerings? Think again. That offering was the whole of her supply.