When the banner of Christ needs upholding,
and yet you don't want to;
When something lures "just this once,"
and you can't figure out why not;
When strength and steadfastness are the only course,
and yet you're uncertain you can hang on;
These are the moments/years to call on your Saviour,
that helper beyond the human mind.
Christ tells you that you are chosen,
and can choose none other
Than the reality of the God you love.
He it is that possesses you.
You are possessed by none other.
You possess nothing else.
So when this mental accuser would whisper
then scream that you are the very agent of the evil you hate,
Christ tells you: Consciousness can't be manipulated.
Your being has never been a medium for death, sin, or disease.
And so my friend, you are what God made you to be: the immediate,
Persistently obedient offspring of His righteousness forever.