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Unconditional Love

From the May 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We go
so our love will flow
to the love-forsaken.
They are mistaken.
We offer the gentle touch
that means so much
to those bereft—
that says the divine embrace has never left.

We love
if evil spoken of.
If rejected or abused,
we won't be confused.
It's not that we're so gifted,
It's just that Love has lifted
us so often, with such grace and care,
we must offer hope, we must share.

And so in any place,
we turn to every face
with tender comfort
that heals the hardest hurt.
This love is the same
as when Jesus came—
so powerful that when felt,
even if it's cursed, it makes frozen hearts melt.

To love unconditionally
is to be the image of Deity.

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