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The riches of commitment

Our relationship to God is the source of everything we need. And it's unbreakable.

From the May 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Surviving in college on a very limited budget was no easy feat. Everything was competing for the same few dollars at my disposal: food, clothing, school supplies, laundry, dues, and so on. Early on, however, as an active church member, I made a mental commitment that, regardless of other demands, I would set aside one dollar for church each Sunday. I felt that was the very least I could do to express my gratitude to God.

But then came a weekend when my funds were exhausted—except for that one dollar. Additional money would not be available until Monday, and borrowing from others was not possible. I faced an interesting choice: make that dollar stretch to pay for food or put it in the Sunday collection. I chose the latter, because I had already proved for myself the practicality of a statement by Mary Baker Eddy in Science and Health: "Giving does not impoverish us in the service of our Maker, neither does withholding enrich us."1 This was an opportunity, I felt, to understand that truth more clearly, while at the same time living up to my commitment.

Admittedly, for most of the weekend I was keenly aware of having missed a good meal. But I decided to spend Sunday afternoon searching the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings for a more spiritual understanding of supply. About 5 p.m. I gained the peace I was seeking, through the realization that God doesn't punish us for fulfilling a right commitment. The solution to my need for supper came shortly thereafter in a way I couldn't possibly have outlined. A dorm mate whom I barely knew knocked at my door to say that he suddenly felt an unexplainable impulsion to share with me a package of food he had received the previous day. He also asked if I would be willing to tutor him regularly; and he even paid me in advance! That was the end of the problem.

1  Science and Health, p. 79.

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