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Rising above grief

We can never be deprived of affection and caring. What Love gives is permanent.

From the May 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Is it possible for us to rise above grief and find God's comfort and peace?

Actually, it is. I had the opportunity to prove this for myself when a friend unexpectedly passed on. At the funeral there was a great deal of shock and heartbreak displayed. People were openly weeping. Although I had prayed before leaving home, the tug of anguish among the mourners was so great that I felt my self-control crumbling. So, I immediately reached out to God with all my heart.

"Dear Father," I prayed, "I know that You are with me. I am Your precious child, tenderly cared for and watched over. I won't be pulled down into a pit of misery. Your might, the might of divine Spirit, is upholding me. Heartache cannot overwhelm me. Right here, Your loving presence is comforting me."

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