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Christian morality—too high an ideal?

The power to be good and pure comes from the divine Mind, God, the source of our being.

From the May 2000 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There's no question that Christ Jesus held up a very high moral standard for humanity. It includes undeviating obedience to the Ten Commandments—not only in conduct but in thought.1 People haven't always found it easy to adhere to this model. In the press of human events or in the intensity of private moments, holding one's thought and conduct to what's morally right can require considerable self-discipline, even self-sacrifice. Does this mean, though, that unswerving obedience to God is an unattainable, impractical ideal? That the moral standard Jesus required is too high? It would be, were it not for the basis of this standard.

Everything Jesus taught was based on unchanging, eternal truth—on the spiritual reality of life. It was based on the perfection of God, divine Spirit, and on the consequent spirituality and perfection of all that God creates. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus summarized the need to demonstrate this truth when he instructed, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."2

Leaning on God empowers us to choose and follow the right course.

1  See Matt. 5:27, 28 .

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