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"Man is not made to till the soil,"*       But to express God's finished plan; 'T is not God's will that he should toil,—      Dominion is God's gift to man. Look up! the fields with grain are white,      Prepared by Love—were never bare.


Let me not say, "Thy will be done," And bow my head in meek submission, Feeling the chastening of One Invisible, whose cold decision Withholds the substance of my sweetest dreaming, Charging that prayer like mine is unbeseeming. O God of love, "Thy will be done"! For all Thy will is love revealing, And, knowing Thee, I need not shun Thy wisdom, when before Thee kneeling, But lift my heart in glad assurance, learning That all is well, where Love abides, discerning.


Father, Mind, whose wisdom guides us, Journeying on from sense to Soul, In His tabernacle hides us, Shields us by His strong control. Mother, Love, divinely tender, Peace and joy Thy presence bring; We our weariness surrender, Hushed beneath Thine angel wing.


Dear child, thou needst not seek to know Each step thou must to-morrow take; Rejoice! .


We are so near to Thee! Sometimes so thin the veil that hangs between, And forms the unreal shadow of our dream, We catch the soft reflection from Thy light— Some radiance from the day that has no night: And this is grace.


" Let there be light," is God's command. No clouds of error can withstand This power unlabored—great its might! Be glad! Give thanks! for there is light.


Dear Love divine, teach me to hear Thy voice, And having heard Thee, let me then rejoice That understanding guides, and I may know Thy wisdom leads the way where'er I go. Then quicken Thou my steps; yea, let me walk So close to Thee that I may ever talk As consciously with Thee as speaketh man With man; for thus in Truth Thy perfect plan Hath been revealed.


Look up! Look up! The fields are white! The dawn appears—far spent the night! Upon our vision streams the light! The stricken hearts to life return, The words of Christ within them burn; Their health, their hope in God, they learn. The radiance of Life, Truth, Love Dispels our sadness; from above Comes peace on earth, God's white-winged dove.


When some brave heart, undaunted by the cloud Of matter witnesses, steps out ahead And holds the light of vision, so endowed, For others who, less foot-sure, fearing, dread To loose their chains, the world cries, "Dreamer!" Vain To earth-bound sense the glorious freedom seems. But vision, humble born, is not of dreams: True substance, proving every step is gain.


We cannot walk alone; oh, help us Lord To see and know the true things in thy realm; To see and know the true, and know we know, And feel our Father's hand is at the helm. "Closer than breathing" Thou art said to be; And we do need Thy guidance in the heart, We get so tired of thoughts that lead from Thee; And we would know and choose the better part.