Questions & Answers
Be with me, Lord, when morning beams Blot out the dreams of night; Within the chambers of my thought Diffuse Thy holy light, And with Thy guiding hand lead Thou My faltering feet aright. In noontide's heat, amid the throng, Let me Thy presence feel; And in the sanctuary of my thought In deepest reverence kneel; And lift my voice in praise to Thee With overflowing zeal.
O God , whose precious love Awaits the heart yet unredeemed, What wooing tenderness Of infinite unfoldment sweet Arrests and heals my sense, Unburdened of its dross! Strengthen my hold on Thee, Till free and unbeguiled, And like a child, I place my trusting hand in Thine! Dear God, how idly unresponsive lies my lyre, My heart bereft of Thee grows cold and cheerless as the morn Without the happy sunshine and the song of birds. In falt'ring, feeble accents, all unwedded to my heart, In vain I try Thy beauteous love and glory to adore.
"I love your promise. "—Miscellaneous Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 87.
No seed is lost that drops in earth's brown bosom, But gently rising seeks the sun's warm ray; Growing, it bursts the old, dried shell that holds it, And rising upward, strives to loose the clay; Till through the mold we see each green tip peep And know once more our hearts with joy will sing; For as we watch the buds awake from sleep, We see God's lesson, in His gift, the spring. No thought is lost in all God's holy kingdom, But gently rising seeks the perfect day, Breaks ev'ry mortal chain that fain would hold it, Illumed by Life and Truth, unfolds its way.
OH , "still small voice," to me the truth confiding, If I but listen for Thy words divine, Oh, sacred presence, with me abiding, While trustingly I place my hand in Thine, In happiness so gently Thou dost guide me Mid paths of pleasantness and peace so blest, In time of trouble Thou art e'er beside me, Truth, Life, and Love made manifest. Or when I flee away from worldly chiding Unto that holy secret place most high, There, "hid with Christ," in faithfulness abiding Where never sickness, sin, nor death come nigh: No sense of ill, injustice, or oppression Doth enter that sweet place of perfect rest, For All-in-all, is good in Thy possession, Truth, Life, and Love made manifest.
Do clouds hang over you, dear troubled one? The days seem dark and drear? Ah, many times they do;for do we not Give way to doubt and fear, Forgetting God is with us all the time, To guide us safely home? We grow much stronger for these tests of faith, If we but overcome. Our loving Father knows our every need; He leads us, as of old He led His people through the wilderness, Wherein He did unfold A knowledge of unchanging love and care; And we, who seek to-day His help to break the chains of sin and death, Must trust Him all the way.
Ways that are dark are not His ways Who reigns in light and fills our days With radiance; whose uplifted arm Offers deliverance from harm, From every ill that flesh conceives; Who heals the heart while yet it grieves, Moving, a pillar of fire by night, Of cloud by day, exceeding bright O'er Israel, till she shall stand Securely, in the promised land. Ways that are dark are not His ways Who gives us light and length of days.
"And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. "— Genesis 28:16.
As forest seeds, on winged breezès flying, Are carried forth to many a distant place, There springing up in tender green, supplying The waiting world with fresher, fairer grace, So goes the Word of Truth, for God has sent it; It goes and lights on every distant shore. God gives the increase—naught shall e'er prevent it; God gives assurance, now and evermore.
Dear friend, inside thy doorway watching, yearning For some white ray of hope, content to wait— Canst thou not hear, with every dawn returning, The voice that calleth softly at thy gate? O child of God, why bid the future render The golden gifts whereof thine ears have heard? To-day is here in all her shining splendor, To-day has laden hands and waits thy word. Toward some goal the hurrying sons of mortals Strive past each other o'er a stony way.