Testimonies of Healing
About a year ago I noticed that my hearing was almost entirely gone. At first I didn't realize that there was a problem, but everyone else around me did.
I had always searched for something higher than what I saw around me. I had an acute feeling of being far from perfect and felt like a caged bird that wants to fly away to see what's happening elsewhere.
When I was a teenager and went to the beach with my friends, everybody enjoyed the ocean. I couldn't stay in the water for too long, however, because white blotches would appear all over my body and I would feel dizzy.
For about 20 years I looked for a religion that would fulfill my expectations. I wanted to find a God I could trust, not a God who made me afraid.
About eight years ago I began to wake up in the morning with a tremendously swollen face. Some time later, during a check-up, the dentist discovered that I had cysts on both sides of my mouth.
In 1999 I was privileged to be a member of a very fine chorus. We were invited to another country to present six concerts during the Christmas season.
Several years ago, my husband and I noticed that one of our cats had lost his sense of balance and that he was holding his head at an odd angle. A short time later, he lost the use of one of his back legs and the sight in one eye.
A few years ago, my knees began to feel stiff and painful. I had a hard time running or walking normally.
I was in a rush to get to work. Walking rapidly over some uneven ground, I suddenly twisted my ankle.
One afternoon about two years ago, I felt a pain in my breast. At first, I didn't think too much about it.