Testimonies of Healing
My son works in the international office of a university, helping with students who are visiting from other countries. Recently when he was at the airport picking up some incoming students, a young woman from Sweden told him that she was returning home on the next flight.
One morning as I was making a bed, my right hand became tangled in the sheet. I felt a tiny "snap" in one of my fingers.
Three years ago , a stray cat began hanging around our house, possibly because my husband and I have two cats in residence. He was a dirty, white and black cat with a sore eye and many matted areas of fur.
Around June 2002 , a little growth appeared on the outside of my nose, but I didn't think too much about it until it started to get larger. I prayed about it and also asked a Christian Science practitioner to help me pray.
Last November, for no apparent reason, my shoulder became so painful that I couldn't move or touch it. Since my husband noticed I was having difficulty finding a comfortable position in which to sleep, he thought it would be best to take me to the hospital.
Last year on a trip to Paris, my husband and I both woke up one morning with the symptoms of food poisoning. My first concern was for my husband's two teenage brothers, who were traveling with us, because we had all eaten the same food the previous night.
I was preparing to do the dishes one evening in our cabin. We live in the backwoods of Vermont with no electricity or phone, and have to heat our water on the propane or wood stove.
I was helping my husband move a large dresser upstairs, when I felt an excruciating pain in my back. I put down the dresser and tried to stand up.
One day when my son Tommy was in the first grade, I received a phone call asking me to come to his school right away. A boy had thrown a rock while the children were on the playground, and it had hit Tommy in the eye.
I'm in 11th grade, and I've been a Christian Scientist my whole life. I've seen and heard about all of the wonderful ways it can heal anything.