Testimonies of Healing
I wish to give my testimony in regard to what Christian Science has done for me, hoping it may cause some afflicted one to turn to Christian Science for help. I had been afflicted with nervous prostration in a very bad form for over two years, accompanied with loss of eyesight.
Among many demonstrations in the last year was the destruction of a very extreme case of liquor habit amounting to the almost complete desolation of a lovely home. I shall write but briefly of the circumstances, but just say that about two weeks' treatment transformed the home into one of perfect love and harmony, the habit was completely destroyed, and the works of Mrs.
It is now over three years since I came into Christian Science, and the question oft presents itself. "How did I ever get on without it, and how should I get on, were it not for the unspeakable blessing derived from its daily study?" I was not personally urged to accept Science, nor did I seek it for physical healing; rather was I gently led into it like a tired child, who.
I have been the recipient of such manifest blessings through my understanding of God, as shown me in the teachings of Christian Science, that I have often felt guilty for not doing my share of work through our periodicals. There can be no excuse in the light of right for not doing more and better.
For five years I had been engaged in the business of extracting precious metals from ore by the cyanide process, and mortally speaking I was in the right condition, physically, for the sickness that I experienced. The work is considered very unhealthful, and fear of being poisoned had caused me to give up my position and seek something else, so I was working for the Llewellyn Iron Works in Los Angeles.
It has come to me very clearly of late that possibly the slow healing of the troubles for which I principally took treatment in Christian Science, may be due to the fact that I have never yet publicly testified to all the many blessings this glorious Truth has brought to me. Hitherto I have always listened to the promptings of error, "Wait till the healing is perfect;" but realizing how very much pleasure I always obtain from reading the experiences of others in the Journal and Sentinel , I am filled with shame to think that I have not written long ago to try to tell a little of all that Christian Science has done for me.
About three months ago a proof of God's power was given us in a case of accident. While on the way to the train Wednesday morning a member of our family slipped on the ice.
Having read and heard many helpful testimonials about Christian Science, by which I have been much benefited in every way, I feel that I ought to contribute my little experience, showing how divine Love is ever active, to look for the lost sheep in every direction. Living in a little suburban town, I soon became acquainted with the next door neighbor.
I have long felt a desire to tell of my physical healing and what Christian Science has done for me. I had troubles for a good many years which caused inflammation of the kidneys, and nervous prostration.
" Here we have articles from all over this broad land,— from Maine to California, from Canada to Texas, from England, Germany, France. " As I read this in a Sentinel the desire grew and grew within me to add, "and Australia.