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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Having always had a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly, I was asleep to the fact that I was falling far short of the law of Love when I did not express my gratitude and thankfulness to the loyal workers at headquarters who make it possible for us to have this pure literature of Christian Science unadulterated by error, with its messages of Truth and Love. I am often reminded of the parable that Jesus told to Simon the Pharisee, of the two debtors, one for a large sum the other for a smaller, surely my gratitude should be boundless, for much has been forgiven me, many sins destroyed, and much error overcome by the application of that Truth which Jesus taught, the knowledge of which he said would make us free.

In my fifteen years' acquaintance with our text-book three...

IN my fifteen years' acquaintance with our text-book three events stand out like stars; namely, the reading of the first copy put into my hands; the searching through the revised edition of 1891; and, above all, the joy of this latest revision. Christian Science found me after all other means employed to heal had failed.

I had been afflicted with stomach trouble for seventeen years, taking drugs, dieting, drinking different mineral waters, and occasionally changing doctors, thinking one might cure where others had failed. But the result was always the same,—sometimes a little better for a short time, but never cured.

It is just two years since I learned the Truth as taught in Christian Science. At that time I was held by a claim of anaemia, the doctor having told me that if I did not take a complete rest for at least three months I would probably be an invalid for life.

I had been a church member for many years, believing it to be the only way, yet it did not satisfy my longings for something more tangible. For two years before I heard of Christian Science I had almost entirely ceased attending church, feeling that it was a mockery for me to profess what I did not understand, and therefore could not believe.

It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude to God...

It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude to God that I send my testimony to the Journal, hoping it may be of benefit to some one. I was instantaneously healed of insomnia of twenty years' standing, also of a very painful ailment(piles) which had troubled me greatly for a year and a half.

Not physical healing but a seeking for peace brought...

Not physical healing but a seeking for peace brought me into a consciousness of the harmony and beauty of Truth. I desired relief from a sense of sorrow and hopelessness arising from the loss of a husband and an only child.

Less than two years ago I first heard of Christian Science. My mother visited us and asked me to investigate it.

I was raised in the Baptist faith, became a member of that church at the age of fifteen years, and was baptized, lived a member until I was married and left my parents and also left that church. Then I became a member of the Methodist Church, then the United Brethren.

It is now about four years since the Truth was permitted to enter into my household. During this time its blessings are many, too many for even a Journal testimony.