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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

"Man's extremity" was indeed "God's opportunity" in my case, for it was not until every earthly means in which I had any hope had failed me, and I had spent hundreds of dollars on oculists, one year of enforced idleness from work, and nearly two years of suffering, and was faced with the awful dread of blindness, that I turned, as a last resort, to God entirely and put myself under Christian Science treatment. My trouble, as I have said, lasted for nearly two years, during which time I had the best medical attendance possible.

For some time past I have felt so really full of gratitude for the Truth revealed to us through Science and Health, that fear has entirely given place to a joyful sense of freedom, sufficient at least to enable me to express something of my gratitude and tell something of our experience, that may be helpful to others. My husband and I had been brought up in the Episcopal Church, with a strong religious sense of faith in God and belief in His existence.

For years I had believed that the time must come when Christianity and science would be found compatible, when the teachings of Jesus would be made practical and his works repeated, for I realized sorrowfully that Christianity was only being talked, not lived. When a Christian Scientist, some two years and a half ago, told me that my hope was already fulfilled, it seemed to me very natural and beautiful.

I have been in Christian Science about three years; it came to me by a good friend just when I was in a very bad way. I had been a member of the Baptist Church from early manhood, over fifty years; prominent in all good work in my church.

FOR the good received through Christian Science I offer the following from my own experience. About eight years ago, before knowing anything about Christian Science, I was most miserable in mind and body.

I was troubled with astigmatism and wore glasses for ten years, one oculist telling me I must never go without them. By applying the teaching of Christian Science for an attack of grip, I was relieved in one day, and also awoke to the consciousness that I no longer had any use for glasses.

Through a friend, I heard of Christian Science about four years ago; and as a last resort tried its healing efficacy and was healed in a very short time of several diseases, one of which the best doctors in this city said never was known to be cured—prolapsus of rectum—without an operation. I had been under the doctors' care constantly for three years.

Before I heard of Christian Science I had been under the care of physicians for three years, who told me my trouble could not be helped, as I had had it from birth. I had two operations and would have a third but the doctor said I could not stand it.

In August, 1892, I was induced to try Christian Science. For about five years previous to that time I had suffered from weak eyes and had consulted some of the leading oculists of the state without satisfaction.

For more than eight years I suffered from what my physicians call fistula in ano. About four years ago this fistula was burned out by a physician in Youngstown, O.