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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

In January, 1892, I was living in St. John, N.

I would like to speak of a case of impersonal healing,...

I would like to speak of a case of impersonal healing, which came about during the first year of my study of Science and Health. I had, since the age of twelve, been a great sufferer from asthma and other bronchial troubles; had visited various watering places abroad in search of health, had also tried different medical treatments in Germany and England, but the complaint did not disappear, and was finally accepted as a chronic condition.

Here is a little demonstration made by a child which I thought other children might enjoy, so I send it, knowing it must carry a blessing with it. A few nights ago my little seven-year-old grandson, who lives with me, seemed restless and excitedly talked in his sleep, as though in great trouble and uneasiness.

I send this demonstration because I think it shows...

I send this demonstration because I think it shows plainly that Christian Science is practical. I had been keeping appointments at the dentist's for some time, and among other things that were to be done was a tooth taken out which I had known for several years must be extracted, but had never had the courage to have it done.

In November, 1897, I first heard of Christian Science. The judgment of death had been pronounced over me by several of our best doctors.

When I was twelve years of age, I joined the Baptist...

When I was twelve years of age, I joined the Baptist Church in Lowell, Mass. , Rev.

When Christian Science was first mentioned to me, it found me in poor health, discontented, unhappy, and full of fear. It has brought me peace, comfort, joy, health, and so many other things that I find it impossible to say all I could wish on the subject.

My coming into Science was a sudden transformation from darkness to light; not but what I have had many obstacles to overcome, but, thank God, I have never really lost sight of that light. Many times the boulders have seemed so large as almost to obscure the way; but by applying the Truth as I have learned it in Science and Health, I have found the way brighter than before I came to the obstacle, for each obstruction helps to cast a shadow till removed by Truth.

Nearly all the ailments that flesh is heir to were mine. Chronic constipation, liver complaint, and hernia of six years standing.

It is with a grateful heart that I give my testimony to...

It is with a grateful heart that I give my testimony to the friends of the Journal. With live psalmist.