Testimonies of Healing
For many years I was a great sufferer from pain in the back of the head and stiff neck, and usually went about all the morning with a mustard plaster on the back of my neck and fly blisters behind each ear. The trouble became so serious that it extended to the face and jaw, and when eating I could feel the jaw slip out of place.
I Should like to give the following testimony of the healing in Science of a child, who, at the age of two years, had the disease known as tuberculosis of the bone in his leg. He was treated for three years by different physicians, the child growing worse and suffering such agony day and night that a consultation of physicians was called, and the only hope held out was the amputation of his leg.
Since coming into Christian Science some four years ago, I have had some very beautiful demonstrations, and have often felt it my duty to send them to Journal, for the benefit of others, but have kept putting it off from time to time. Having a demonstration a few weeks ago in which I realized as never before the ever-presence and all-power of God, I determined to delay no longer.
About two years ago I began to have spells of dizziness, which increased in violence and frequency to such an extent that I became afraid that I might fall on the street when walking or from my wheel when riding, as I had often to catch hold of railings or lean against any object or wall that I might happen to be near, and so I gave up bicycle riding almost entirely. After one of these spells I would be in a condition of stupidity and morbidness for a whole day and sometimes longer, during which time I would not wish to talk or be talked to.
About six years ago I became interested in hypnotism and mental science, and took up the study of it with a party who had devoted a great deal of time to those lines for fifteen years. We studied together for about three years.
I have been wonderfully benefited through Christian Science. I seems as though we should always be ready to give a little word of testimony.
It has now been four years since I first found Christian Science, and what it has been to me in that time I can only tell in part. Whatever seeming trouble comes, I have a never-failing friend in Christian Science, and I do feel very grateful and thankful.
I would like to acknowledge gratefully what a blessing Christian Science has been to me. I was healed of curvature of the spine and several minor ills.
I want to tell of a little experience I had of the wonderful power of Love. The other day there was something happening that would ordinarily rouse intense anger, for I always had thought that righteous indignation was a proper feeling to have.
Christian Science was first brought to my notice some eighteen months ago; at that time I had been a great sufferer with stomach trouble, and in fact a complication of diseases, for nearly four years. I took medicines and I think I tried everything in the line of patent medicine and also different physicians, but without any cure.