Testimonies of Healing
A short time ago a young man came to me with one of his eyes tied up, having had acid shot into his eye from the work he is engaged in. He is a tin plate factory employe, He seemed to be suffering intensely.
I wish to contribute a few lines to the Journal, to let its many readers know what Christian Science has done for me and my wife. We commenced looking into Science about four years ago.
I Recently heard of a demonstration which interested me, and I would like to give it. A man who is a Christian Scientist is employed in a factory where machinery is used.
I would like to tell you of a demonstration which I had a year ago. I was very sick and the doctor said I had rheumatism of the heart, and told mamma I must not go to school or run and play.
By Christian Science I was instantaneously healed of stomach trouble from which I had suffered a number of years. I tried every material remedy that offered me any hope of relief, but failed to receive the desired results.
Some time since I was asked to go to see a woman who needed help in Christian Science. She lived in a remote part of our city, a part with which I was unfamiliar and a very rough neighborhood.
I have never been so awakened to work more earnestly more consecratedly, for the Cause of Christian Science than I was this summer while attending the Communion service in the Mother Church. Our dear Leader's message is so comprehensive, that I am still studying it daily, and feel enriched by it each time.
In just acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for me, I submit the following for publication. I was healed of nervous prostration, catarrh of the stomach, and various other ills of several years standing.
Sincere gratitude impels me to write these lines in order that I may tell of some of the benefits which I have received through Christian Science. About three and a half years ago I was brought into this beautiful Truth, by being healed of a claim of two and one half years' standing, an illness which made my whole existence a misery and life scarcely worth living.
It is now a little over six years since Christian Science was first brought to my notice by a kind friend who had been healed by it. I had been under the care of one of the best homoeopathic physicians in our city for two months, but was not benefited, rather growing worse.