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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

" Leaning on the sustaining Infinite, to-day is big with blessings" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker G. Eddy).

I want to acknowledge what Christian Science has done...

I want to acknowledge what Christian Science has done for me. The spiritual healing I appreciate the most, for it is greater than all else.

I Enclose a letter which a prisoner in our penitentiary...

I Enclose a letter which a prisoner in our penitentiary desires to send to the Journal. We have a Christian Science Lesson-Sermon in the Colorado State Penitentiary, at Canon City, once a month.

Every word of testimony of the healing" and saving...

Every word of testimony of the healing" and saving power of Truth, is productive of good results far beyond our expectations. Doubtless some very helpful testimonies are withheld, from the thought that they appear insignificant and of little value compared with the seemingly more wonderful demonstrations that are brought to our notice from time to time.

I should be ungrateful not to add my testimony to that of thousands who have occasion to thank God every hour of their lives for the blessings which Christian Science has brought to them. About a year and a half ago I seemed to have exhausted all the resources of materia medica, electrical treatments for months having been my last resort along material lines.

It is a little over three years since I first heard of Christian Science, and had the privilege of attending a Christian Science service for the first time. During this period I have had numerous opportunities of proving to my entire satisfaction the efficacy of Christian Science treatment to meet and master each and all of the many phases of error which try to manifest themselves from time to time, and my interest, awakened at the first experience, has gradually broadened and extended as each successive claim has been overcome by Truth, until now my sense of gratitude is inexpressible.

When Christian Science found me I was on the verge of taking my own life. I had been a drinking man for more than twenty years, the habit growing stronger year by year until it had ruled me with a rod of iron for the last five years previous to my being healed through Christian Science.

My testimonial of healing appeared in the Journal for...

My testimonial of healing appeared in the Journal for June, 1889, a few months after being healed. The physicians pronounced my case incurable during ten years of great suffering and hopeless invalidism.

I am more than grateful for all that Truth has done for me in every way, and especially I notice its help to me in daily business life. With the industrial conditions that are in vogue nowadays, and amidst the "strenuous life" of competition, it is a relief to find at hand always a reliable Principle for guidance.

It was the beauty of the teachings of Christian Science that appealed to me, and led me to investigate further. It is so reasonable, and at the same time so uplifting that it should appeal to any right-thinking person.