Testimonies of Healing
The first time my attention was called to Christian Science with sufficient definiteness to interest me was in September, 1897. I was then urged by a friend, who had been instantaneously healed of two severe claims of long standing, to attend the services of First Church, then meeting in the Auditorium.
It is not easy for us, perhaps, to see that the conditions of atmosphere have only that effect which the general thought admits. I would like to give a demonstration where this was proven.
To show how one can bar out this healing by standing in his own light, I will give my testimony, trusting it may reach and convince some poor sufferer that Christian Science is the Truth, and does surely heal and save from all manner of trouble. When I first heard of Christian Science I was as miserable as one could possibly be, and yet stand up and earn a living.
During the extreme hot weather in August, I attempted to change the position of a large electric fan, in order to throw the current of air in another direction; I had often done this without turning off the current, but on this occasion the fan slipped and in an instant both of my hands were in the fan, which was making from fifteen hundred to two thousand revolutions per minute. I knew I was badly hurt from the blood that was spattered over the wall by the fan.
It is not necessary for me to tell my old friends and acquaintances how great has been my deliverance from sickness and suffering, but I always have to tell them that it was through Christian Science that I recovered my health. I was miserable for ten years.
Through Christian Science I have been cured of constipation, with which I have been troubled all my life, lameness, back-ache, side-ache, and serious mental trouble. It seemed as though there was nothing right about me.
When I am asked, "What has Christian Science done for you?" I reply, "Christian Science has given me an abiding faith in the power of Good. " I would not exchange this blessed gift for all that the world can offer.
I like to hear from the little children and I write that they may know of me and what I am doing. One evening I went to bed with belief of a cold.
Extract from a Letter. Dear Mrs.
I love to read the demonstrations from little children, and I thought it might be that some one would like to read mine. My brother and myself were in the country visiting.