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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Thirteen years ago Christian Science found me a...

Thirteen years ago Christian Science found me a helpless invalid, having been in bed most of the time for three years and a half. Two severe operations were failures, and every remedy known to humanity had been tried.

Last March I entered a Christian Science Church for the first time. Brought by a friend.

I wish to tell you of the healing of a little girl five years old near this place last spring. She was very ill for two months, and the physicians who were called in finally said they could do no more for her.

For many years I was a great sufferer from stomach...

For many years I was a great sufferer from stomach trouble and various other complaints, being confined to my home at times for days and oftentimes weeks. Of all men I was most miserable.

For a number of years I have been a teacher in our...

For a number of years I have been a teacher in our public schools, but because of a nervous trouble and with the doctor's advice, I gave up my work for a while to relieve my nerves of the mental strain. A copy of Science and Health by Mary Baker G.

One morning this summer while I was away from home...

One morning this summer while I was away from home, my little boy, four years old, fell from our dining-room window, landing flat on his back. That was two stories and a half from the ground.

Have there been any cases of healing by Christian Science...

Have there been any cases of healing by Christian Science in Ottawa, III? This question I can answer in the affirmative for myself and also for my wife. Of Christian Scientists I can say they fulfil the Scripture, "I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

When I applied for Christian Science treatment I did...

When I applied for Christian Science treatment I did not know it was the Christ-cure, wherein Truth alone heals. The second interview with my healer.

A few months ago I had to have considerable dental work done. For five years or more intense fear had kept me from having work of any extent done, and the need had become very great.

I feel an ever-growing sense of gratitude for the little understanding I have of Christian Science, and I also feel that I must give my testimonial in the Journal that possibly it may help some one else. Christian Science came to me nearly three years ago.