Testimonies of Healing
I recently heard of a demonstration which interested me, and I would like to give it. A man who is a Christian Scientist is employed in a factory where machinery is used.
A few days ago I called at the dentist's to pay a bill for work done for my daughter. As I turned to leave the office the dentist, who seemed to know we were Scientists, eagerly detained me, begging me to give him some information concerning my daughter's teeth.
To-day as I sat reading a few lines from the Sentinel (a most welcome friend), the thought came forcibly to send at least a word of thanks to the many kind contributors and co-workers of the Journal and Sentinel, for the many encouraging and helpful words that I have gathered from them, also to express a word of gratitude for the Source of all this Truth. Christian Science came to my notice in an hour of great need, when all seemed very dark, both from a physical and spiritual standpoint.
It was not through physical healing that I was first attracted to Christian Science, but because I was looking for a better understanding of God. The first case of healing that came under my notice was that of my little granddaughter, of diphtheria.
It was in an hour of agony when the most powerful opiates failed even to relieve my suffering, that Christian Science came to the rescue with immediate relief. Connected with my trouble were long periods of sleeplessness, times when sleep seemed almost a thing unknown to me.
It is now fourteen years since I took my first Christian Science treatment. I had been an invalid eleven years, helpless a good deal of that time, suffering from insomnia, nervousness in an aggravated form, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.
I have hesitated about writing for some time to acknowledge the benefits I have received in Christian Science, but hesitate no longer, as I recognize it to be a solemn duty thus to strive to help on the Truth publicly. I am fifty-six years old and I have had a life of peculiar vicissitudes and trials.
I am truly very grateful for even a small understanding of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. Physically I feel that I have been very greatly benefited.
For thirty-six years I was a great sufferer, the result of a fall when about two years old. Aside from my many physical ailments I was very unhappy, although trying to appear cheerful for the sake of others.
All my life I had been subject to severe sick headaches, but for three years previous to my knowledge of Christian Science I suffered untold agony with headaches that my physicians did not understand, neither could they relieve me of them, or prevent my having them. It was expected that I would die in one of these attacks.