Testimonies of Healing
The thought has come that I should acknowledge the great benefits that have come to me during my study of Christian Science in the past year. When Science came to me I was a very unhappy, dissatisfied woman, without a ray of hope that the future would be any less dreary than the past had been.
I wish to thank the Journal for the instruction, help, and timely blessings I have received from reading its pages, and especially so when we can take up the back numbers, and find them still filled to overflowing with good things. "The half has never been told" of the benefits that have been, and are being, derived from this source.
I am twelve years old, and live on a farm. My parents are Christian "Scientists, my mamma having been in Science five years.
About two years ago I was healed of deafness through Christian Science treatment, but did not become interested in Science. Last spring I was taken very ill with inflammation of the bowels, and after almost starving and suffering untold agony for two weeks, I was taken home to die.
I desire to acknowledge the many benefits derived from the study of Christian Science. It is to me a practical religion; one to be carried into a man's business as well as into the church and home.
I was not led into Christian Science by any healing, but because it appealed to me as something most beautiful if I could but grasp it. I have since been learning to grasp and abide in its wondrous truths.
For three years I had suffered from a belief of bronchial consumption. I coughed nearly all the time, and could not lie down at night.
On the back porch of our home stands a printed sign bearing the inscription: "No more dumping on these grounds. " It is waiting to be placed on a section of our land which has been used for that purpose.
One Fourth of July there came a call for help from a lady, whose brother and companion had met with an accident caused by an explosion of gunpowder. I immediately declared the Truth and went with her to her home.
Two years ago, Christian Science found me a mental and physical wreck. I feel I must let the whole world know of my healing,—how from a sick and depressed woman, I have been changed into a happy and thoughtful one.