Testimonies of Healing
It is now over four years since I was first led to investigate Christian Science, and though I have no great demonstrations to relate. I should still like to express my gratitude for the many blessings it has brought me, also to thank Mrs.
This morning. May 2, 1901, is the second anniversary of my new birth, the birth Jesus meant when he said to Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again," and I feel it is a very fitting time to acknowledge the "Christ Science" into which I was born as the Truth.
For nearly eight years I have been receiving great benefits from my little understanding of Christian Science, and although my heart has gone out many times to our dear Leader for the spiritual uplifting and unspeakable peace I am continually obtaining through the study of her works, I feel that I owe much to our Sentinel and Journal. Every time they reach me I receive much help in reading them, and I feel more and more the necessity of keeping them in circulation.
When quite a child, I often thought over the second record of Creation in Genesis, and wondered how, if God were all-powerful, evil ever crept into existence. I could not become interested in the Scriptures, and think this must have been my stumbling-block.
When Christian Science first came to me, or rather, when I first came to Christian Science, I did not have a very bad opinion of myself. I thought I was a pretty good fellow.
Christian Science found me almost a total wreck, daily contemplating what would he the best method to end this misery for which I had found no remedy. I had tried all kinds of doctors and spent thousands of dollars.
The benefit which Christian Science is to a busy shop-worker, has been so beautifully demonstrated in many in stances, and in one case in particular, that it is worthy of the consideration of every thinking man. It should be taken up honestly, and put to the test in actual practice by the inquirer.
For the benefit of those who are not very familiar with Science, I will tell of a demonstration I had last summer while playing tennis. In running to return a ball, I fell violently, turning my ankle so that it was very badly hurt.
Having read and so much enjoyed sketches of the different churches and glimpses given of their Wednesday evening meetings, we decided that it was time that our little church in Montrose, Col. , was added to the list, and shall offer its share of leaven.
During the nine years in which we have been interested in Christian Science, we have had so many blessings showered upon us that I have not words strong enough to express all the gratitude I feel to God, and to our dear Mother for all Christian Science has been to us. By it both my husband and myself were given our health after years of suffering, and our little daughter, six years old, has never known anything but Christian Science.