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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

When I decided to give Christian Science a trial, three...

When I decided to give Christian Science a trial, three years ago, I was almost a wreck, physically and mentally. I took up the study of Science and Health, wrote for absent treatment, and in less than two weeks felt like a different woman—hardly knew myself—light-hearted, happy, able to work—something I had not been able to do most of the winter.

I was brought up to love and serve God, but there always seemed to be something that I could not find, so that when Christian Science was first brought to my notice I had not attended a place of worship for three years. I had become so addicted to intoxicating drink that at times if I had any money in my pocket I could not pass a saloon.

I had been an earnest searcher for Truth, but was...

I had been an earnest searcher for Truth, but was running to and fro in the wilderness of hygienic and orthodox methods. I never saw a creed I could fully believe, still I united with the Congregational Church when a child, and in later years was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, it seeming that my work was there for a time, as that was the best way I knew of to serve God.

When our March Journal came to our home, it seemed...

When our March Journal came to our home, it seemed really heavy; it was so full of pages laden with love and good tidings. What a great joy filled my heart, when the first testimonial I read was from a distant relative, whom I had lost sight of, but now this link—the Journal —and the blessed Truth has brought us much nearer together, "In that sweet secret of the narrow way" of which we learn in "The Mother's Evening Prayer" (Miscellaneous Writings).

I have always felt, since coming into Christian Science, that the Journal was a great help to all those who are ready for the Truth; but never did I realize that fact so fervently, as when visiting a town in Mississippi, a short time ago. Ten years ago I spent some time in this same town, and found no Scientists there.

In November, 1899, a kind friend introduced Christian Science literature to me, and after reading it, I thought, if others are healed, why not I? So I asked for a healer and was told of Mrs. F.

I deem it my privilege and duty to tell the public of...

I deem it my privilege and duty to tell the public of the manner in which I was led to find the Truth. I suffered from heart trouble, nervousness, and sinking spells for twenty years, the last three years I spent in bed.

My little son Kinsey has asked me several times to write this demonstration for the pages of the Journal. He was awakened one morning about four o'clock by a severe fit of coughing, and I saw he had a high fever also.

A little over two years ago I was a very great sufferer with what the doctors called fistula, and after having counsel, my attending physician said my only help was to have an operation, and as I was getting so weak and run down it must be at once, or other and more serious trouble would come from it. They gave me little encouragement of lasting benefit, but as there seemed no other way, I consented, and sent for my father to come and be with me.

I wish to tell how perfectly my little baby, eleven months old, was healed, hoping it will give some other mother courage and faith to try Christian Science, which I feel now is the only true way. My baby was given up by our doctor as beyond hope.