It is now fourteen years since I took my first Christian Science treatment.
I had been an invalid eleven years, helpless a good deal of that time, suffering from insomnia, nervousness in an aggravated form, neuralgia, rheumatism, etc., till life was a burden. I had used chloral nine years, never as a habit, but when sleep fled my pillow I resorted to it; but Science soon destroyed the need of any such nonsense. I was so comfortable at night I did not care whether I slept or not, whereas before taking treatment I was in such an agony of pain from head to feet, there was no rest for me; nerve pain, I called it, no doctor I ever employed could relieve me or even account for it. Also my finger-nails caused me the most excruciating pain for nine years, night and day.
At one time my remedy, or relief for months in order to get to sleep at night, was to cut a lemon in half and bury my finger-ends in the pulp.