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Testimonies of Healing

About six years ago I became interested in hypnotism and...

From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About six years ago I became interested in hypnotism and mental science, and took up the study of it with a party who had devoted a great deal of time to those lines for fifteen years. We studied together for about three years. In the mean time mental telegraphy was taken up as a branch of hypnotism.

After studying along this line for a short time, I had my name stricken from the enrolment of the Orthodox Church of which I was a member, as I did not wish to appear to live something I did not believe. I thought I had found something better, and it took three years to convince me that there was no good in it, and that it was a good thing to let alone.

This study of hypnotism, etc., has cost me a going backwards and unravelling all the snarls it led me into. Instead of leading me out of difficulties, I became lethargic, had no ambition, could not do my work so well, and was generally under a mental depression. Sadness seemed to settle on me and I was not able to free myself.

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