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Testimonies of Healing

About two years ago I began to have spells of dizziness...

From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About two years ago I began to have spells of dizziness, which increased in violence and frequency to such an extent that I became afraid that I might fall on the street when walking or from my wheel when riding, as I had often to catch hold of railings or lean against any object or wall that I might happen to be near, and so I gave up bicycle riding almost entirely. After one of these spells I would be in a condition of stupidity and morbidness for a whole day and sometimes longer, during which time I would not wish to talk or be talked to. Previous to and during these spells of dizziness I was subject to violent headaches which almost completely prostrated me. After suffering in this manner for several months I was persuaded by my wife, who had become somewhat interested, to try Christian Science treatment and see what it would do for me. I consented, on condition that she would see the healer and make the arrangements for the treatment, not having any knowledge of what Christian Science was like, but thinking it could not possibly harm me even if it did not help me, and I had heard of people having been treated by it and being benefited. In fact, I was in that state that it did not make much difference to me what sort of treatment I might be subjected to only so I might get relief.

During these months I had been treated by physicians who could not even decide what my trouble was, but who tried first one remedy and then another to see if haply they might strike the right medicine. But I was convinced that no medicine taken internally would ever reach my case and some other method of treatment was welcome. I was not willing to hear much said about Christian Science, and as it soon became a general topic of conversation in the family (they becoming very much interested in it), it was a source of irritation to me, and I very flatly told those about me that if they did not want to disgust me entirely with Christian Science they had better not have so much to say about it. This will give some idea of the state of mind I was in, for their conversation was all strongly in favor of Christian Science.

On a Friday morning I went to visit the healer, who gave me a treatment, after which I seemed to feel very much better. I went again the next morning and still felt better, and was told that if I felt that I needed another treatment I might come again on the following Monday. By that time, however, I felt so much better that I decided it was not necessary and did not go again for several months when my claim took a somewhat different form, and I began taking treatment again. This time I was so bad that I had a slight stroke of paralysis which affected one half of my whole body, including my head and tongue, and for a time I was not able to think correctly or form my thoughts into speech. Help was immediately telephoned for and absent treatment given for two days, when I improved so rapidly that inside of three days I was out attending to my business as usual. At that time I took in all probably fifteen treatments, both before and after the attack spoken of. Since that time, which was over a year ago, I have not taken any further treatment and have had no recurrence of the old trouble.

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