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Testimonies of Healing

The way I found the Truth, or the Truth found me...

From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The way I found the Truth, or the Truth found me, was this. About five years ago, we as a family moved to Fort Worth to live. Not only were all our people and accustomed associations two thousand miles away, but we also had no church home in this part of the country, and I felt, indeed, a stranger in a strange land. Having been reared as a member of The Religious Society of Friends, I had been carefully taught how to apply practically to our daily living the spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, so when I attended worship in the more orthodox churches, I could not understand their doctrine. One day I expressed the thought to a friend, that I was spiritually starving. She understood so well what I was hungering for, that she invited me to attend the Sunday service with her at the Christian Science Church, adding that she knew I would there find the "soul food" I so much needed. We walked into a hall where there were about twenty-five people seated, listening reverently to the reading of the Lesson-Sermon. Before the benediction was pronounced, I knew I had found my church home in the perfect thought of God taught there. I soon became so much interested in this new way of worshiping God, that Sunday was the one day in the week for me. The religious teaching was beautiful to me. One day, after I had been attending the Sunday services for several weeks, a cousin, a medical student, asked me if I would undertake to practise the Christian Science healing in our family. I had not thought of the healing part until then. I borrowed the text-book, Science and Health by Mary Baker G. Eddy, from the first sentence, I devoured that book. All my spare moments, I pored over it, drank it in, and seemed to understand it. On page 323 I found those helpful words. "Truth is demonstrable, when understood," so I resolved the very next time any one was sick in the family I would apply this Truth as the remedy in place of the homœopathic medicines I had been accustomed to using. My opportunity soon came. One morning my daughter, a schoolgirl, was taken quite sick, and asked for medicine. I asked her to allow me to give her a treatment in Christian Science in place of the medicine, and she consented to be my patient. To my inexpressible joy and the surprise of my daughter, all pain left her and she went off to school healed. Since then I have been learning through many demonstrations the "beauty of holiness," and am grateful, indeed, that I am living in this day of the revelation of Christian Science.

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