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From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Behold the charm of Nature's touch
On bush and shrub and tree;
Bending 'neath their icy coats
As if they would be free.

They stand transformed in garments white
As lovely as a bride;
They sparkle all with myriad hues
In beauty undenied.

And when at length the twilight glides
Across their silvered tops,
Their fringèd branches seem to stir
And tremble; ere it stops.

We gaze beneath the starlit sky
And watch the soft lights play;
The stars above look calmly down,
Earth doth in stillness lay.

Oh ye who looked with sceptic's eye
Upon this scene so rare,
Oh will ye still repeat thy creed?
Still say, "God was not there"?

Nay! fling away thy cheerless creed,
And claim thy birthright free;
An inspiration from above,
Love, immortality!

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