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Testimonies of Healing

I Should like to give the following testimony of the...

From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I Should like to give the following testimony of the healing in Science of a child, who, at the age of two years, had the disease known as tuberculosis of the bone in his leg. He was treated for three years by different physicians, the child growing worse and suffering such agony day and night that a consultation of physicians was called, and the only hope held out was the amputation of his leg.

They said he could not live two months in the present condition. As they could give no encouragement that he would live through the operation, the parents decided not to have it done. A Scientist in the country heard of the case and went to see the parents, who, by the way, were Hollanders, who spoke very little English and could not read or write it at all. He told them what Science could do, and they decided to have him treat the child. The little fellow was suffering dreadfully at the time, his leg being in a plaster-of-paris cast. One week's treatment relieved all suffering. The parents bought a copy of Science and Health and commenced to study. In a very short time they could read the book, and understand enough to help the child very much.

A year and a half ago they moved to this city, and I was called to treat the child, who was again suffering greatly, an abscess having formed in his leg. He was then about five years old. His leg was so badly drawn up that he could not touch his toe to the floor. To support his body he used a stick with a cross piece at the top, using both hands to hold the stick when he walked. After having worked with him about two months, I tried to have him do without the stick. At first he thought he could not; he said he was afraid he would fall. I told him when he was afraid and thought he was going to fall, to think that God was there with him, that he was God's little boy and would be taken care of. The next day he gave his stick to his mother and asked her to burn it. From that day he has not used it. He attended school every day, and when he appeared without his stick the teacher expressed great anxiety about it. He told her he was not afraid.

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