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From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Once again the Easter tidings
Ring far out across the earth,
Flashing through th' eternal heavens,
Flooding all things in their birth.

Christ, the Son of God, is risen;
Risen by the strength of right,
Far above the seeming chaos
Into God's eternal light.

Death and sin forever conquered,
Life and truth forever crowned;
And the straight and narrow pathway
Through the grand Christ-life is found.

Only look unto the promise,
Count not sorrows o'er and o'er,
Then ye shall, as he has risen,
Rise and live forevermore.

All the triumph, power, and glory
That are Christ's this Easter day
May be yours in fullest measure
If you'll honor and obey.

Christ has risen into glory,
Master over all earth's wrong,
And this story's wondrous sweetness
Pulsates through the Easter song.

Earth is throbbing to the chorus;
Heaven's harps are sweetly strung;
And the truth that Christ is risen
Is the melody that's sung.

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