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From the March 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Oakland (Cal.) Enquirer

The new Christian Science Church at Seventeenth and Franklin Streets, one of the finest houses of worship anywhere in the West, was formally dedicated with appropriate services, January 5, 1902. Congratulatory telegrams to the number of half a hundred were received and read to the eleven hundred people who crowded the auditorium, one of them coming from the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.

Aside from their interest in the services, which were conducted by Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Fluno, the many people who attended enjoyed especially an opportunity to inspect the new building which has been furnished so cosily and comfortably throughout that it possesses much of the atmosphere of a large private mansion. There were services also in the afternoon and evening, visiting Readers from out-of-town congregations being given opportunity to participate. Among these were Dr. J. P. Filbert of Los Angeles and Mrs. Lizzie Filbert, Miss Sue Ella Bradshaw, Frank W. Gale, and Charles M. Howe of San Francisco.

Among the soloists who contributed to the musical part of the services were Miss Dorothy Goodsell, Mrs. Mabel Foyle, J. Hoyt Toler, A. Horatio Cogswell, Mrs. Edith Norman Klock, Miss Lena Roberts, Herbert Williams, Walter C. Campbell, Walton C. Webb, and Alfred Wilkie.

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