Testimonies of Healing
I commenced the study of Christian Science in November, 1898, and can say to-day that I am a well woman. I was an invalid twelve years, afflicted with female weakness and nervous prostration, from which I suffered a great deal.
The testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel have helped me so much in times past when struggling with sickness, and now when struggling to overcome sinful self in its many forms, that perhaps my testimony may help some almost despairing one whose healing has been as slow as my own. Just three years ago I first heard of Christian Science.
I was in very poor health for fourteen years, gradually growing worse, and for the last six years of that time was a great sufferer. The physicians whom I consulted diagnosed my case differently, seeming to be puzzled over it.
When I first heard of Christian Science my life seemed very dark, as I had been a sufferer for eight years with hemorrhoidal tumors. Two years before I had gone through an operation and had four removed.
I first knew of Christian Science through my mother's healing about fifteen years ago. She was suffering from an affliction which the doctors could not name, much less cure.
Six years ago, when prostrate and in mental darkness from oft-repeated attacks of nervous prostration, a dear friend came, suggesting I should try Christian Science. Believing I had found a material remedy (which proved to be an instrument of torture, and for which I had paid the price of our invaluable text-book), I concluded to wait, and suffer more.
I have been encouraged so many times by reading the Journal and Sentinel, I feel it my duty to try to help some one. I suffered much all my life with headache.
Christian Science has done so much for me that I hardly know where to begin. For eight years I was a great sufferer from bronchial asthma and was unable to lie down during that time.
I did not come to Christian Science as many I have read of. I accepted it because I thought it was right.
Christian Science has indeed been a blessing to our home, in lifting me from disease and sorrow, and it has been an invaluable help in the training of our child. One incident I would like to relate, proving that a little child may understand Truth that sometimes is beyond the comprehension of older ones.