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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

At the time I heard of Christian Science I did not believe in God or any religion. It seemed as if I were forced to study Christian Science, I could not help it.

It seems as if I ought to say a word of thanks for Christian Science. For thirteen years my family and I have been enjoying its blessings and they have not been few but many.

It is now six years since we commenced the study of...

It is now six years since we commenced the study of Christian Science, and we have a great deal to be thankful for, the writer especially. Hardly had I perceived the first truths of Science, before I felt that I must quit the tobacco habit, which had been a bosom companion for over fourteen years.

One Saturday morning I awoke with one side of my face very much swollen and suffering from a belief of incessant pain. I tried to handle the error by the constant declaration of Truth and the denial of error, but it seemed very stubborn, and at the end of about ten days the pain was almost unbearable, my face and throat were so swollen that I could not eat and could scarcely swallow, and I was in constant pain.

When I was a student in the High school, our class in literature was called upon one day to name some pieces of literature which we considered the best examples of the English language. The answer was given and the teacher added that the bible was considered the best example.

I always had a terrible dread of going to the dentist until at the age of fifty-three I came to the conclusion that God was no respecter of persons, and would help me the same as others who have a little understanding of the Truth. Five months ago I called on the dentist to make arrangements for having my teeth extracted and new ones put in.

I enclose the testimony of the Rev. Mr. Houghton, a...

Bradford, Pa. I enclose the testimony of the Rev.

In the early part of last year, I was frequently visiting...

In the early part of last year, I was frequently visiting at the cottage of a sick woman, and one day received a request from a girl who lived near that I would go to her. She had been an invalid for over a year, and had lately been discharged from a hospital as incurable; suffering such pain internally that she could not move without assistance.

Christian Science came to me as a light shining in the densest darkness, and as new hope springing from the ashes of the hope that had died within me. Previous to that time (April,1895), I was a physical wreck; rheumatism, catarrh, bronchitis, neuralgia, chronic indigestion, and finally nervous prostration and insomnia, rendered my life a burden to myself and others.

Hoping our testimony may benefit others, and feeling it my duty toward Christian Science, I am happy to state the following. After six years' treatment with the most noted specialists in materia medica, and spending several hundred dollars, I was cured of chronic laryngitis by Christian Science some four years ago.