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Testimonies of Healing

I have long felt a desire to tell of my physical healing...

From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have long felt a desire to tell of my physical healing and what Christian Science has done for me. I had troubles for a good many years which caused inflammation of the kidneys, and nervous prostration. I had also heart trouble. I employed a great many physicians, and tried almost every remedy I could hear of with very little benefit. I was confined to my bed almost half the time for over ten years. My last three physicians said there was no medicine that could cure me, that change of climate and travel would not help me, even if I could stand it, which they did not think I could; that all I could do was to have patience, and be resigned as well as I could, as the end would soon come, and my troubles be over. Although I was a church member of about fifty years' standing, I was not. satisfied. I tried to live a Christian life, and prayed to be well. Then I was asked, "If there is anything in Christianity, why does it not help you?" and here is where Christian Science found me, nineteen years ago, abed and given up by doctors and friends. That was the first of April, 1883. I am thankful to say, God heard my prayer. It seems that there were two loyal students of Christian Science taught by Mrs. Eddy, who came here on a visit to their sister, and as they were taking patients, and making great cures, my friends came to advise me to try Christian Science, as a last remedy. I am thankful to say I did try the Science and was soon healed of my ills.

About fourteen years ago I was taken suddenly with a very severe hemorrhage, some thought of the lungs, so severe that I and all my friends were in despair over the condition, fearing the worst results; but remembering the great help from God, through Christian Science, in my extreme trials before, I sent for the man who had previously healed me, and who was living here. He came and took my case in charge. He soon stopped the hemorrhage and I began to improve very rapidly. In a short time I was well and as strong as before the attack. I am thankful to say I have never had the slightest trouble from that condition in any way since. I am thankful to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, and to the practitioner who was the instrument in God's hand to prove the power of Truth over error, as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," making Truth and Love the reality of Life.

My healing of this and many other troubles fills me with such gratitude and love that I want all those who have suffered long to know how I have been blessed through Christian Science, and that Christ has opened a door by which they too may have their pains and sorrows healed and be free, and find the way of Life and Truth.

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