Beloved Students:—The By-law of the Mother Church, stipulating three years as the term for its Readers, neither binds nor compels the branch churches to follow suit. And it applies only to Christian Science churches in the United States and Canada. Doubtless the churches adopting this By-law will discriminate its adaptability to their conditions. But if now is not the time, the branch churches can wait for the favored moment to act on this subject.
I rest peacefully in knowing that the impulsion of this action in the Mother Church was from above. So I have faith that whatever is done in this direction by the branch churches will be blest. The Readers who have filled this sacred office many years, have beyond it duties and attainments beckoning them. What these are I cannot yet say. The great Master saith: "What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter."
Pleasant View, Concord, N. H., July 21, 1902.