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From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DUALISM is the result of limitation, and will disappear as the unity and infinity of Truth appear. A few illustrations might be given. As the light disappears, an appearance we call darkness takes its place. As the light begins to disappear, it seems to commune with its opposite, darkness; but when material light, so called, is present to our highest sense of its fulness and perfection, no communion appears. If material light were infinite to our sense, then no darkness would appear and there would be no apparent communion with an opposite. There is no change in the quantity of light. The opacity of matter alone produces the appearance of darkness. As the opacity of matter disappears, so will darkness.

Like the light, good seems to come and go, and when good seems to be absent, evil, its opposite, seems to be present, and vice versa. To the thought of Good as infinite, and therefore ever-present, there could be no sense of the presence or existence of evil; but if to that thought, Good could begin its departure, evil would begin to appear, and good and evil would seem to commune, and this seeming communion would continue until the sense of Good as infinite and ever-present should re-appear, the same as in the case of light and darkness.

Thought cannot limit Good except it take to itself a belief in evil, and then the nature and quality of Good to this thought are changed and perverted, so that it has a belief in a kind of good that is ever changing and therefore uncertain, unstable, and unknowable; and also a belief in what it calls evil, which is likewise ever fluctuating in degree and form.

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