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From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the April number of the Journal there appeared an article entitled, "How Should the Sick be Healed?" and I would like to tell of an experience that I passed through before I knew of this saving Truth that makes us free.

For twenty years my wife was an invalid. After thirteen years of materia medica and suffering, a doctor told me that she could not live more than two weeks and might pass away at any time. She lived seven years after that, and was in bed most of the time. He said it was consumption. Each time he came he would say, "I can do nothing but make her comfortable," and she used morphine every day. I have no complaint to make of the doctor, for he was kind and loving to us all. I was deep in sin myself at the time, and as I sat by her side and saw her life go out, I thought how cruel God was. She had asked me many times to become a Christian, and had talked to me much of the Bible and of God, but I saw nothing to place my trust in.

Now we know that this case is only one of thousands, and I would ask, How should she have been healed? What should I have done? I paid the doctors four hundred dollars and the druggist one thousand dollars. I gave up my business and took care of my wife as best I could.

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