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From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with great pleasure and deep gratitude that I send my testimony to the Journal to tell what Christian Science has done for my wife and for myself. It was four years ago last March that my wife was healed of heart trouble and consumption. This was as much a miracle to me as those of which we read in the Bible. I did not have any faith in the teaching at the time, but I could not understand how she was healed so speedily.

This led me to feel that there was something in Christian Science which I wanted, for I had been troubled for years with rheumatism, and would be laid up once a year, and sometimes twice a year, with it. My mother and several members of our family died with it; and the fear that it was hereditary was always troubling me. It was about two months after my wife had been healed that I had the last attack, since which time I have been free.

In 1867 I met with an accident. A large stone fell upon another man and myself. My companion died from the effects and I was in the hospital with my shoulder and collar-bone out of joint. The pain and suffering which I endured for two months was agonizing in the extreme. A year ago last March, I met with a similar accident. A large stone fell on me, and broke my arm, producing a compound fracture. I had a surgeon set the bone and then called a practitioner, and through his understanding of Christian Science, I had a beautiful demonstration. I never lost a minute's sleep, and I was in no more pain in the broken arm than in the other, and I enjoyed my meals just as if nothing had happened to me.

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