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From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A LITTLE over eight years ago, when passing through severe financial reverses, Christian Science was brought to our notice, and from the first we found it "a very present help in trouble." Although not seeking it for physical healing, I was cured of an organic trouble for which I was about to undergo an operation, one of Denver's leading physicians having pronounced my case incurable without it. Fortunately, before the operation was arranged for, we were led to investigate Christian Science, and in about three months I was healed. While deeply grateful for the physical benefits received, they seem insignificant when compared to the spiritual awakening through which I begin to realize that the tormenting fears are being displaced by the "perfect love" which "casteth out fear;" that self-will, self-justification, and self-love, through hard and bitter struggles, are going down before the command: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me;" that the claims of sensitiveness, fear of criticism, imaginary offences, and wounded pride, which caused much unnecessary misery, are being dispelled by the desire to reach the condition of the "whole-souled woman" whom "a flatterer, a fool, or a liar" cannot offend. (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 224.) Then a sense of gratitude comes to me which works, more than words can express.

In loving recognition of the benefits I always receive from our faithful bearers of good tidings, the Journal and Sentinel, and also that I may obey the injunction to fulfil my "moral obligation to furnish some reading matter" for their pages, I gratefully submit the following proofs of 'the healing power of divine Love which have come within my personal experience, and all of which can be substantiated by any who care to investigate. The names and addresses will be cheerfully furnished if desired.

A child, a little less than two years old, was subject to frequent convulsions, which materia medica was unable to prevent or relieve. The doctor said the disease would affect the mind, and predicted imbecility for the child. With the exception of one convulsion, which was instantly checked by an audible denial, she never has had an attack since first treated. She is now eight years old and one of the brightest and most regular attendants at our church services and Sunday School.

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