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Testimonies of Healing

"Here we have articles from all over this broad land,—...

From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Here we have articles from all over this broad land,— from Maine to California, from Canada to Texas, from England, Germany, France." As I read this in a Sentinel the desire grew and grew within me to add, "and Australia." Thus I recognized that the time had come in which I might add my mite to the gratitude of Europe, although, to sense, so far away, under the Southern Cross.

Science and Health came to our home five years ago. Since that time neither doctors nor medicine have been employed, although I have a family of five children; and although error has made various claims, such as measles, chicken-pox, whooping cough, asthma, influenza, and accidents, Truth has been the sole remedy in every case, and not found wanting. I wish to mention one or two demonstrations, I think we give more help that way. I had been out one day, and on arriving home found the household in a state of great excitement, one of the children had cut his younger brother's foot nearly through with the axe. I felt so conscious of the allness of God, Good, just then, that I was able to meet the error without the slightest doubt or fear. I found the child sitting with his head on his arms, almost in a state of collapse, with his dinner before him untasted, so I said, "Eat your dinner, dear; there is nothing to fear," he was so astonished at this after the excitement of error he had gone through, that he commenced to eat his dinner. The elder children followed me upstairs, relating how he had nearly bled to death and what a fearful wound it was, but I heeded it not. I did not even look at the foot, but had my dinner as usual; his father remarked that the foot ought to be examined, as the tendons might be cut, but this suggestion was met by the truth, there are no accidents in the divine Mind. When putting the child to bed I had to change the linen which had been placed around the foot, but beyond noticing a great swelling and discoloration I avoided looking at it. I treated him, and he slept until ten o'clock, when he awoke crying with pain. I repeated the Scientific Statement a few times, and the child said, "Look what I can do with my foot, it doesn't hurt a bit." He was pushing it straight up with all the heavy bedclothes over it, then he slept all night. In the morning, he wanted a light shoe put on, instead of his laced boot, and he ran down stairs as usual. After breakfast, feeling that the demonstration had been made, I looked at the foot, and there was nothing more to be seen than a thick scratch extending from one side of the ankle to the other. I called the maid-servants to look at it, and they were amazed, and assured me that the foot appeared cut half through the night before, they also showed me his sock; it was cut half round, clear through. It would have been impossible for the sock to be thus cut, without cutting what was under it. In a couple of days, he had on his lace-up boots and walked quite two miles, and never suffered from pain or shock.

One day this same child was expressing physical error. At lunch-time one of his sisters said to him, "What is the matter, Jack?" He immediately burst into tears, and replied that he had such a pain in his body, was so hot, and felt so tired, that he could not walk or eat. I took him to my room and repeated the Scientific Statement, then he left me. Half an hour later I passed his bedroom, and noticed that the door was closed and locked, so I called to him to open it, and asked whether he had been lying down, "Oh, no," he replied, "I am quite well now. I gave myself a treatment." I asked how. "I got the Bible, and held it while I said, 'God is All-in-all,' until I was well." To many this may seem almost incredible, but there was the little child, five years old, with the Bible in his hands, and perfectly healed. I could write all night if I attempted to recount a quarter of the blessings which have followed my faint understanding of this Science of Life.

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