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Testimonies of Healing

Having always had a deep sense of appreciation and...

From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Having always had a deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly, I was asleep to the fact that I was falling far short of the law of Love when I did not express my gratitude and thankfulness to the loyal workers at headquarters who make it possible for us to have this pure literature of Christian Science unadulterated by error, with its messages of Truth and Love.

I am often reminded of the parable that Jesus told to Simon the Pharisee, of the two debtors, one for a large sum the other for a smaller, surely my gratitude should be boundless, for much has been forgiven me, many sins destroyed, and much error overcome by the application of that Truth which Jesus taught, the knowledge of which he said would make us free. Perhaps if I should tell you of some of the dark dreams that Christian Science has awakened me from by proving their nothingness, you would know better how very thankful I am.

I never knew what it was to be well and strong, as I was supposed to have inherited chronic dyspepsia, heart trouble, great nervousness, and a weak constitution; with these a quick temper, wilfulness, morbid ambition, etc., made my troubles numerous and grievous. Each year found me worse until for the ten years previous to taking up Christian Science I was practically an invalid. I had suffered many things of many physicians, each doing the best he could for me, but finally telling me I never could be well, as I had a constitutional trouble considered incurable, without a sound organ in my body, and nothing to build upon. All I could do was to be as comfortable as possible, since my only hope for freedom was in death, which might occur at any time. Added to this was a sorrow that seemed greater than I could endure.

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