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From the August 1902 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Concord Evening Monitor

A Manchester despatch to the Boston Globe says:—

"What is believed to be the largest fee ever received by a New Hampshire attorney is said to have recently been paid Ex-Congressman Henry M. Baker of Bow, who was a senatorial aspirant in the contest last winter, which resulted in the election of Henry E. Burnham as successor to William E. Chandler.

"Mr. Baker was counsel for the Merchants' and Miners' Transportation Company, which had a claim for heavy losses incurred during the Civil War. Mr. Baker handled the company's claim before Congress, and at the present session the claim, amounting to in the vicinity of a million dollars, was allowed, and has been paid from the United States treasury. Mr. Baker is said to have received fifty-three thousand dollars for his services."

Concord Evening Monitor.

Most people would succeed in small things, if they were not troubled with great ambitions.—Longfellow.

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