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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Before I knew anything of Christian Science I was...

Before I knew anything of Christian Science I was subject to colds and hence had great fear of them, but for the past six years I have been comparatively free. Once in very early spring I started out for the first time that season without a wrap, and before I returned home the wind was blowing strong and cold.

For more than three years the publications of our...

For more than three years the publications of our society have been brightening our lives, and many times prompted us to respond. Measles, whooping cough and many other troubles have been overcome with great success.

From the time I was thirteen until I reached the age...

From the time I was thirteen until I reached the age of thirty-six, I was a constant sufferer from indigestion and its accompanying sick headaches, despondency, weariness, etc. , besides a growing fear that an operation would be necessary.

While reading the Journal one day, it dawned upon me that I had been like a sponge—absorbing all I could and giving out nothing. I am certain every Christian Scientist has a testimony to give to "Testimonies from the Field," and he should not be backward in writing it, since almost every experience given in that department of the magazine finds anxious and hungry ones awaiting it.

Just six years ago I took up the study of Christian Science for eye trouble. I had not been able to read for a year.

One day shortly before Christmas, during a very severe...

One day shortly before Christmas, during a very severe frost,, I was out bicycling with my brothers (they were riding). When we were coming home the younger one said, "I'll race you," and quite forgetting the condition of the roads, which were like iron, I agreed.

My first knowledge of Christian Science came through...

My first knowledge of Christian Science came through a friend who invited me to attend one of the regular Wednesday evening meetings. I was told that my eyes could be healed, and that I should be able to read, which I had not done for upwards of seven years.

Feeling it a duty incumbent on every Christian Scientist,...

Feeling it a duty incumbent on every Christian Scientist, and fully cognizant of the fact that I have allowed error to hinder me too long already in giving my testimony, I beg a small part of your space, in the hope that others may derive the same benefit from my experience that I always receive from the "Testimonies from the Field. " About six years ago I came to Colorado—a well nigh broken down invalid, after having spent seven years in the Southern states, in the hope that change of climate would restore me to health.

I became addicted to alcoholic drink in 1887 and continued...

I became addicted to alcoholic drink in 1887 and continued in this dissipation until the spring of 1894; previous to this time I was under the influence of liquor at least one half of my waking hours, although forming good resolutions every time I was sick from its use, which was very frequently, as when anything seemed to worry me, I would try to drown my trouble in drink. In April of 1894 I came to Duluth, barely sober enough to walk without staggering, having been up all the 'night previous drinking with convivial companions.

For over twenty years I was a sufferer from headaches, which were always several days in duration and so severe as almost to paralyze me. I was sometimes delirious for twenty-four hours before relief came.