Testimonies of Healing
Christian Science was made known to me while on a visit to my people (who are Scientists) in Philadelphia. I had suffered for many years from what was considered an incurable malady, but after one treatment by a Philadelphia practitioner I was entirely healed.
As I look back over my two and one half years' experience in Christian Science and compare the beginning of that period with the present, I find that there has been a most remarkable change in my consciousness. Previous to investigating for myself, I had thought with much skepticism that Christian Science was simply another proposed method for curing sickness, but I have found that I was quite wrong, not only in my skepticism as to the healing, but in thinking that this was its only purpose.
" God is my life, health, and strength; in Him I have dominion, wisdom, and understanding. " Five years ago I found that statement to be true, and the truth that makes free changed our home from one of sadness to one of joy.
Although greatly in need of the physical healing, I did not seek Christian Science for such, but in June, 1898, I was unconsciously led to the home of a Scientist in the country; and she, seeing my need, handed me the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy.
I was an invalid for fourteen years, suffering with an acute form of indigestion, which seemed to baffle the skill of a number of physicians, besides several noted specialists. Each one in turn gave up my case, telling me that I should have to consider myself a partial invalid for the rest of my life, and that I must not eat certain articles of food, otherwise they would not answer for the consequences.
I have no special testimony to give of physical healing through Christian Science, but the slight understanding I have of this truth causes me to be glad that I was persuaded to study the subject. It has shown me how to take an interest in the teachings of the Bible, and it has also had the effect of making me contented, whereas I was formerly rather a grumbler.
WHEN I first heard of Christian Science, five and a half years ago, I had just been told by my physician that nothing but a serious operation, the removal of two organs, would be any benefit to me. I had undergone one operation, and felt that 1 would rather die than submit to another.
I am filled with love and gratitude, for the blessings received through this quickening truth. I had suffered untold agony for over six years from sick headaches and heart trouble; my feet and hands were swollen all the time; I could not walk up the steps without pain; I could not sleep, or lie on my left side; at times I had a smothered feeling and could scarcely get my breath.
An article in The Christian Science Journal for August signed E. V.
Four years ago I was a sickly, peevish, unhappy woman filled with fear, perplexity, and doubt; depressed and uncertain as to the present and fearful of the future; struggling with dyspepsia and catarrhal difficulties of the head and throat, which, through the bias of education and observation I believed to be hereditary and from which there seemed no escape. Looking continually to medicine and to hygiene for help, occupying myself in the study of the health laws and their operations, I grew more and more discouraged and miserable.