Testimonies of Healing
When Christian Science found me, almost two years ago, I was a complete physical wreck "having no hope, and without God in the world," for I could not believe in a God who would send such suffering as was my daily experience. For many months I suffered from the results of a heavy cold which, the doctors said, had affected my lungs, and also brought on a complication of troubles from which I could not recover.
When I first read Christian Science literature, it was with the aid of a pair of reading glasses which I had used for about six years. By their aid I was able to read for an hour at the most, but even that amount of reading or writing used to cause a terrible aching pain at the back of my eyes.
I can best express my gratitude for our publications, by giving a few of the wonderful cases of healing which have proved God to be the only power. When called upon to apply the truth to destroy a severe illness, many times I have felt so utterly helpless that I could only be still, and declare in the words of the Master, "I can of mine own self do nothing.
I feel that I have great reason to be thankful for the healing power of Truth, which has been my salvation from sin and sickness. Several years ago I felt convinced that Christian Science was the truth, but instead of standing firm, I listened to error, chose evil instead of good, and continued to drift along in a sense of pleasure and life apart from God, until through great suffering I was forced to turn to Christian Science again, after all material remedies and human aid had proved futile to liberate me from the bondage of sin and sickness.
Shortly after taking up the study of Christian Science, I was discharged from my position on a newspaper, and with a young wife to care for and little hope of employment, because I had few acquaintances and because "times were bad," I had to turn to God. "He shall call upon me, and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him," was very real to me then, and it came about that I was not only reinstated on the same paper, but was given a better position and larger salary.
EVER since my return to my home in Santiago, Chile, S. A.
The Psalmist expressed Truth in beautiful simplicity, when he said in the Twenty-third Psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. " Until recent years, this was only a beautiful poetical expression to my thought; but, through a little understanding of divine Love, it is to me now a figurative statement of an eternal truth, setting forth in simplicity the relations of God to man, and man to God.
I should like to say how deeply grateful I am for what has been done for me through Christian Science. Fifteen months ago I was suffering intensely both physically and mentally.
My husband and I are the only Scientists nearer than Water Valley, Miss. , ten miles from us.
On the 29th of May, 1901, I had my arm broken while attending to business at a distance from home. I was brought home in an ambulance and attended by two physicians.