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Testimonies of Healing

Every day is a thanksgiving day for the Christian Scientist

From the January 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every day is a thanksgiving day for the Christian Scientist. How glorious it is to awake every morning with the consciousness that we live, and move, and have our being in God,— universal, unchangeable Good,— and that nothing can harm us. Even if mortal mind tries to put stumbling-blocks in our way, divine Love will remove them, and nothing can hinder our progress.

I have many times tried to send to the Journal and Sentinel some little tribute which would testify of my gratitude to Christian Science and our dear Mother in Israel.

Before I came to Christian Science, I prayed that I might die, and now I thank God that I live, and for the understanding that God is our Life. For seventeen years I suffered much. There was nothing that my dear husband would not have me try, and no money was spared to secure my recovery. First the home doctors were tried; then all kinds of patent medicines. Then we went to the best doctors in Clinton, la., and in Omaha, Neb., but found no relief. From Omaha I went to a clinic at Davenport, la., and received treatment for eight weeks but did not improve. After a time I went to Hot Springs, S. Dak., for an eight weeks' course of treatment, then to the Chicago Hahnemann Hospital, where I remained eleven weeks and had three operations performed. We hoped that would prove successful, but alas, two or three months later, my old troubles returned worse than ever.

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